The oldest and most important summer spa in South Styria (with a history from Roman times), Bad Gleichenberg (2000 Inhabitants) is located on 64 kilometers southeast of Graz and near 200 kilometers south of Vienna. The countryside here, near Slovenia's border, is relatively flat, a low-altitude (300 meters) setting of rolling hills and vineyards. This is one of the most interesting and least-known parts of Austria to explore, providing you with various attractions. Lower Styria, where this spa lies, was much larger in the times of the Hapsburgs. Much of its territory was lost to Yugoslavia following the breakup of the empire after World War I.

Bad Gleichenberg Spa Holidays
Bad Gleichenberg sits in a picturesque valley opening to the south. In the area's landscaped parks one will find exotic plants, including the giant sequoia. You can partake of the mineral waters of the Emma, Konstantin, and Johannisbrunnen springs and even take some home with you. The spa has flourished for more than one hundred and sixty years – which is longer than any other spa in Styria. Hotels ring the spa facilities, which mark the resort's centre. Mud baths and long soaks in the thermally heated waters are huge here, forming a tranquil vacation with rest and relaxation.

Bad Gleichenberg lies at the end of a minor rail line, which runs eastward from Graz. Passengers board an eastbound train in Graz and head toward the Hungarian border town of Szentgotthard, changing trains at Feldbach (about hour). From Feldbach, about five trains daily continue to the Bad Gleichenberg. However, because rail connections from Feldbach to Bad Gleichenberg are not always most convenient, passengers can also board one of the eight Bad Gleichenberg-bound buses that depart from Feldbach’s railway station every day. The trip from Feldbach to Bad Gleichenberg by bus or train takes an additional half hour. There's one early morning bus, departing daily at 7:30am for Bad Gleichenberg from Vienna's Wien Mitte bus station (the trip is about three hours). From Graz, four buses depart Monday through Saturday at 8:25am, 10:30am, 12:15pm, and 4:35pm from in front of the main railway station (trip takes about two hours).
If driving from Graz, take the A2 east to the junction with Route 68, which you take south to the junction with Route 66. Continue south on Route 66 to Bad Gleichenberg.
