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Austria Province of Styria


State of Styria Tourist Information, Hotel Accommodation and Travel Guide

Styria Province

Styria is another state in Austria and in fact it is the second largest state in the country. It has a total area of 16 388 sq km and in 2001 had a population of 1 183 303 people. The sate of Styria is situated in the south-eastern part of Austria and is bounded by Slovenia and the Austrian states Upper Austria, Lower Austria, Salzburg, Burgenland and Carinthia. The capitol of the state is Graz and it is divided into 16 districts and one statutory city – Graz. The districts include Bruck an der Mur, Deutschlandsberg, Feldbach, Fürstenfeld, Graz-Umgebung, Hartberg, Judenburg, Knittelfeld, Leibnitz, Leoben, Liezen (with the subdistricts Gröbming and Bad Aussee), Mürzzuschlag, Murau, Radkersburg, Voitsberg and Weiz.
Styria is informally divided into 3 regions Upper, Western and Eastern Styria. Upper Styria represents the northern, mountainous and wooded parts of the state, which includes the districts Liezen, Murau, Judenburg, Knittelfeld, Leoben, Bruck an der Mur and Mürzzuschlag. West Styria is the region to the west of Graz and includes the districts Voitsberg, Deutschlandsberg and the western part of Leibnitz. Respectively the region east of Graz is called East Styria and includes Weiz, Hartberg, Feldbach, Fürstenfeld and Radkersburg. Graz-Umgebung may be included in both West or East Styria. There is also a term Lower Styria, which refers to a northern district in Slovenia, which used to be part of the Duchy of Styria.
Sometimes Styria is called the “Green Province”, because 56% of its area is forested. Also a great part of the state is mountainous and offer unforgettable skiing opportunities during the winter.

Styria skiing

Styria Slopes

Here is a list of interesting places in Styria:

  • Cathedrals - Benediktinerabtei Seckau and the Cathedral in Graz;
  • Monasteries - Augustiner - Chorherrenstift, Benedictine Abbey Seckau, Herz-Marien-Karmel, Stift Neuberg and others;
  • Castles - Burg Güssing, Burg Oberkapfenberg, Riegersburg and more;
  • Monuments - Alpinists' Memorial, Bauernkriegdenkmal, Die Pestsäule, Freimannsturm and so on;
  • Museums - Burgmuseum "Archeo Norico", Diocesan Museum, Doll Cabinet, Folklore Museum…;
  • Nature Parks - Aflenz - Auelniz ("ablanica") - Apple orchard, Fölzalm, Kurpark, Naturpark Sölktäler and others;
  • Nature trails - Alpengarten Rannach, Eisenerzer Reichenstein, Geo-Pfad Gams bei Hieflau, Honiglehrpfad - Naturlehrpfad and more;
  • Caves - Beilsteineishöhle, Frauenmauerhöhle, Grasslhöhle, Lurgrotte…;
  • Bridges, churches, historic buildings, galleries, gorges, waterfalls, planetariums, zoos and many more.
Styria map



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